
Hi! Uhm, welcome... to whatever this is.

I'm Plume (She/Her) and this place here... It's my own personal contamination zone. It's a nuclear test site. It's a minefield. It's Grindr, but the Republicans are in town. It's a crypto summit. You get it? It's a place where you shouldn't want to be.

I would tell you to turn around, that I'm serious, that you probably won't find anything of value here but you're still here...

So, what is this place?

You know the idea of like, "go break some eggs?" Well, this is that. This is not a trans people making machine, this is not a bullshit motivation coach Instagram page, this is not an oddly specifically specialised in omelette cooking blog. No. This is a let's fuck things up website.

It's liveleak without the therapy. It's a 24-7 train wreck, but with no one on board, so just a fun part. But for web page theming. So much less exciting than anything I said. Or much more exciting depending on your specific brand of autism.

Basically, if you're an autistic transfem, this is either super fun for you or it's your worst nightmare.

Welcome to my CSS and Markdown Horror Show.

I already have a blog and a microblog. What I was missing was a place to just experiment with. Do some random stuff. Break things.

I needed to place to mess around with. I have no idea what's going to happen here. If the theme of this site is constantly changing, that's normal too. If I have to test some CSS theme change for one of my others Bearblog sites, I'll try my changes here.

So if it appears to be constantly changing every time you reload the page, it's because I'm testing things out and you're seeing it in real time.

Enjoy watching me fail at learning CSS, trying to figure out the complexities of Markdown, and breaking all kinds of things along the way.